
Peace in the Middle East

Our friend Ramzi speaks of peace in the Middle East. Perhaps we can share thoughts on this vital question: What can we do to contribute to a just peace in this part of the world?

Let me suggest two things that may be possible for some of us .
First, I believe it is most helpful to actually go to the Middle East , if possible, to see and experience for oneself the realities of life there. To make friends and to continue the friendship over time... a beautiful gift our modern technological society offers us- the gift of relationship with others around the world. When the political becomes personal we are much more likely to more deeply understand and respond with compassion. If an actual visit is not possible then perhaps establishing a friendship through the internet. With one push of a button you are virtually there! And in friendship, we listen and begin to see more clearly.
Second, consider the possibilities of music. What would happen if we in our churches , synagogues, temples, universities, and other gatherings, began to sing simple songs in Arabic and Hebrew? What effect might this have on us as we begin to sing prayers for peace and justice in the languages of the Middle East? How to enter the mind of heart of our sisters and brothers in Israel/Palestine? Begin by speaking their language if only a word or two. Sing or speak the words " Salaam", " Shalom" . Imagine as we do the realities of life in the Middle East and make this our prayer for peace. A simple act. A powerful act. A universal act.

There are so many today who are working for peace in the Middle East. I welcome your thoughts and the wisdom of your experience.
In gratitude,
Stefan Andre

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